1 Dpi Swarm Migration
The Tank Project Space, Houston, Texas
Site Specific Installation
I miss the multi-stepped process of the photograph that now gets lost in the digital practice. In previous works, I began to literally cut my photos into thousands of pieces. Through a previous body of work, I 2 K -Imelda 2000, which was inspired by the infamous Filipina Imelda Marcos, I created swarms from transparent images of high heel shoes that also appeared to be butterflies. The repetition ensured the image/photograph to be seen as well as maintain its proliferation and forward movement.
Sprocket Holes on the top and bottom of 35 mm film had a the sole purpose of moving the film through the camera. In thinking about the transition from film to digital, film has become obsolete and therefore the job of sprocket holes for movement has too. I wanted to give the sprockets movement again by cutting them to be single sprocket holes. I then video taped them flying around and installed them in swarms and migration patterns on the wall. In this installation I added one inch dots of transparency slide film to the swarm. Recycling the analog material into the digital language, each 35mm slide becomes 1 dot per inch.